Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Arron plans to get married at 45!

Click to Watch Arron's answers

The youngest member of Fahrenheit has finally disclosed he doesn't want to settle down till 45 years...a big gap from other members who all said 35 years old. When asked about his wedding plans he replied "I'd like to parachute...yea because I think that my phobia of heights has to be settled by this time...the day I get married no more fears to worry about!"
Reporters later teased him," but at 45 can you still have kids?"
Arron awkwardly replied "I should be able too, as long as the other person is young." (LOL)
Reporters: Then what age would you set it at?
Arron: If I'm 45 then she would be about ...28!
That's 17 years!!! Well there you go Arron Lovers...you all have a chance at it! Just match all his requirements with yourself now!
Arron also explained on about how currently he is not putting his relationships in the first spot because he is too busy and also he doesn't want to have the other half feeling neglected by him because he is not able to accompany her! Reporters asked about if he was really hiding from his feelings? Arron responded very truthfully: Yes, especially right now.
For the three years he has been single and not dealing with relationships; also planning to not settle down till he is 45...means currently the most important thing is his album right now!

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