Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aaron express "Chun is my family"

The youngest member of Fahrenheit believe it or not may be the one member who wants Fahrenheit back more than ever. Not the trio but the four of them and he may just once again want to see his good brother and practically father Wu Zun!
Arron Yan can admit that he was taught a lot from the three older members but he definitely can admit that Chun has become like a father and every performance and action after he left was different, the child we once knew had grown up and matured.

Aaron received APP's (text) from Chun that he wont disclose but he said it himself that it was all very encouraging and that Chun is really family.

Arron: I wake up bright and early to app's from DA WU (Big Wu=Wu Zun)! What he wrote I won't say but he want be to conquer those challenges! He always treat me like a family member!

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