Our Huang Hao Mei came up with an idea of creating a Fahrenheit contest! What you have to do for this contest if you have to design a photo of fahrenheit of you choice. We will be putting it public on our blog! Be sure that you add in our blog location with it!(only4frh.blogspot.com) If you are in the competition then message us the picture on facebook and we'll put it in the album call Picture Contest! && If you get more like's then anybody else, THEN, Your Picture, will be out Next Profile Picture!!! :D Jia You!!!!
I hope that everyone who participates in this would show how much Fahrenheit means to them! Get fired up! I, Tang Xiao Lin will be joining this competition also! heheh~ Jia you!
Tell you friends to join!
Contest ends the 15th of October!
For More Information ask us on facebook or leave a comment on here.
Only4FRH: Devotion blog for the our one and only 飛輪海! FAHRENHEIT 加油加油加油!!! GO! GO! GO! ~XM小美~XL小林~HM好美 -If your a fan of Fahrenheit飛輪海 JOIN! 我有!我要!我可以!飛輪海!Go Go Go!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Xiao Lin's song xing xing
Xing Xing (Stars)--星星
Xiao Lin's Song From Xiao Mei----(insp:MU:Ji De Na Nian De Lu Xing OST) BBT
[9 bings]
kan jian le mei
tai tou qing kan yi xia
fei lai fei qu de
shi jie zhen wan~ mei~
zui hao ni zai
yi zhi gei wo an wei
yao bu ran
wo hui gen (!)ji mo~!
you ni zai shen bian
wo bu zhi dao de shi
bian le shi ben shu neng dong le guo qu
ni yi zhe den dai wo de chu xian hai shi
zhao ji dao wo hui fei lai de~
*zhi shao ni hai ji de
wo men de yue ding
yao qu kan da da liang liang de xing xing~
(1st-zhang zhe ni pei zhe wo)
(2/3)---dai zhe ni pei wo(!) zou
liang ge ren shou qian zhe shou
zhen xi wan shi jian hui ting de liao~/
kan jian le mei
qing tai tou kan yi xia xia
bao zhen hui pei zhe ni zhe yi ge wan shang
(!) ke yi ma ke yi ma
kan xing xing hao le ma
zhi shao ni hai ji zhe wo men de yue ding
...i'll give you the music when your ready or you can youtube it...
Jiro's New Song From Purple House-For Me or Ti Wo MV is out!
The music video brings out every little part of the movie that brings both excitement and tears to my eyes. Jiro has matured with both his acting character and his voice, the rocker is finally embraced that side of him deeper than ever! Beloved DaDong you have to work hard we will be ready to get ahold of your album and be ready to have you stand on a stage by yourself too waving your guitar!
The music video brings out every little part of the movie that brings both excitement and tears to my eyes. Jiro has matured with both his acting character and his voice, the rocker is finally embraced that side of him deeper than ever! Beloved DaDong you have to work hard we will be ready to get ahold of your album and be ready to have you stand on a stage by yourself too waving your guitar!
xiao mei is writing songs
I really think that it takes a lot to write beautiful songs like Tank or Yoga Lin or the Legendary Jay Chou...but I've started after composing a different song for Rainie Yang's Ai Mei, I decided to write a song for xiao lin after the completion of that song I decided to continue and I finally got two more down....now i'm working on a duet for hao mei and me! hopefully I can get to where I can compose my music...but that's where xiao lin's saxophone and hao mei piano skills come in! LOL...well we will all jia you and hopefully i'll have a song for fahrenheit soon enough!
December 1st!!!
Chun's New Movie Magic To Win is said to be releasing on December 1st!!
What are your thoughts on that?!
>Picture Below!<
Take care~ Everyone!
What are your thoughts on that?!
>Picture Below!<
Take care~ Everyone!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Support Fahrenheit!!!
Some of you may already be aware of this, but We have just recently got a New twitter account for us! Find us at Only 4 FLH, haha or click on the link below! :) Help support us, and give love to FAHRENHEIT! <3
So i didnt get to ask, but Who all of you, got to see Wu Chun, on his Live chat the other day?!!
wasnt it fun?!! haha
What questions did you have for him? and did he answer them?!!
ALSO i would like to Welcome those new members on this Blog!! :D welcome!! to here! I hope you like it! :D
So i didnt get to ask, but Who all of you, got to see Wu Chun, on his Live chat the other day?!!
wasnt it fun?!! haha
What questions did you have for him? and did he answer them?!!
ALSO i would like to Welcome those new members on this Blog!! :D welcome!! to here! I hope you like it! :D
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Da Wu Shung-The Kingdom Trailer!
its out but heres a trailer....Wu Chun and Han Geng could really be Brothers!!!
They are amazing! LOL I cant wait till this is out on DVD Imma buy it!!! Oh Sammo Huang's choreography is awesome so my dad will watch this with me too!
its out but heres a trailer....Wu Chun and Han Geng could really be Brothers!!!
They are amazing! LOL I cant wait till this is out on DVD Imma buy it!!! Oh Sammo Huang's choreography is awesome so my dad will watch this with me too!
ji mo bao zou KTV with Subs....xiao mei lost this and now its finally up LOL
I finally had the chance to upload this video its old but I subbed it and it has a ktv instrumental...so sing along fahrenheit lovers!
this is my all time fav. song!
I finally had the chance to upload this video its old but I subbed it and it has a ktv instrumental...so sing along fahrenheit lovers!
this is my all time fav. song!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
☆ ♥ ✮ ♥ ✯Happy 6th Anniversary Fahrenheit!☆ ♥ ✮ ♥ ✯
Look at all the years that Fahrenheit has all been together!
Remember how Fahrenheit's treasured out hearts all these past years!
always saying
Go Go Go!!!!
What Fahrenheit has done in our lifes! (好美~小美~小林)
"Because of Fahrenheit! I've learned how to love! Because of Fahrenheit! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned how to cherish. Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that we should always cherish the ones that we love! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned to always move our heads forward no matter what I face! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that I never really know what's precious until i loose it! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that the world can be so beautiful, but the most beautiful things can be ugly. Because of Fahrenheit! I learned Rain is tears. Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that sometimes being very quiet is the best thing, even though I don't express myself much, that doesn't mean that i don't care. Because of Fahrenheit! I learned how to treasure time. Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that nothing is impossible! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned how to find happiness! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned to only have feelings for one person! Because of Fahrenheit! I was able to find 10,000 happiness! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned the secret to immortality which is withing your heart! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned to always go on my own path! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that I will be misunderstood.Because of Fahrenheit! I learned how to have fun! Because of Fahrenheit! I learned that I was not alone! "
Fahrenheit! We Love You Guys!
Gifs above and below but they aren't working
Monday, September 12, 2011
Jiro Wang releases solo song for the main theme of his upcoming movie, "紫宅"!
Member of Taiwanese boy-band Fahrenheit, Jiro Wang, releases his own solo song for the main theme of his upcoming movie, "紫宅", titled "替我"!
"替我" was release yesterday through MusicRadio. It is a Slow-Rock/Pop song with beautiful lyrics and a nice melody. Check out the song below:
SOURCES: ckpop blogspot &JRockBaby02@youtube.com
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Yan Yalun's message to Japanese fans!

Just found these 3 voice messages of Yalun, and would like to share it with you all .
Dated: July 3rd 2011
[Message 1]
啊…… 本来八月是要拍一部戏这样,但是呢,现在档期往后延。那就希望日本这边的经纪公司能够也多排一些活动,让我跟各位粉丝们见面。比如说是像是六月十一号的演唱会,能够把它浓缩精华成一个小型的音乐会,来到日本跟大家分享。
Yes ... ... Originally had plans to shoot a drama in August , but now its schedule is extended for future. It is hoped that the brokerage firm can also arrange some events in Japan, for more opportunities to meet with you fans. For example, like the small scale June 11 concert, come to Japan to share with you.
[Message 2]
非常感动,然后也知道自己是还很在意这个地方的粉丝的支持。然后也希望以后能够真的除了发中意的歌曲之外,也可以自己能够唱一些日本的单曲,然后到这边来 做更多的宣传。比如说像上各位的电视节目或者是广播电台。然后也可以来这边多学一些日文,希望将来真的可以用日文跟大家沟通。
Has been very impressed. I noticed that the care was very cheering from fans in Japan. In addition to the future of his love singing songs, if possible would like to sing Japanese songs, and came to Japan to promote more. For example, I would like also to appear in Japanese television and radio programs. Then, learing more Japanese here, I hope to someday actually interact with you in Japanese.
[Message 3]
谢谢各位大哥大姐来到现场,还设了这场活动,对我来说意义很大。希望这张专辑能够听到啊…… 炎亚纶喜爱音乐的态度跟喜欢音乐的热诚,还有喜欢唱歌的那个最原始的自己。然后多多来日本能够跟大家做分享。
Thank you Big Brother Big Sister (referring to staff members and repoters) to came to the scene, and for setting up this event, for me, it means a lotl. Through this album, I want you to feel the passion and love of Aaron for Music, I feel very appreciated and like the song "The Next Me" from it. More and More coming to Japan, to meet you and share with you.
~Xiao Lin~
Site : http://www.alc.co.jp/china/study/hualiu/57.html
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Da Wu Sheng to come out 9/9/11!!!
Da Wu Sheng is planned to come out 9/9 of this year....WuChun and Han Geng's popularity is just not something to test in mainland china both are stars and heart throbs of asia! Though they have left their own boybands (Fahrenheit&SuperJunior) they are still the hottest actors alive!(*ahem=wu zun)
Han Geng and Wu Chun onscreen as brothers while our beloved Barbie Hsu (Da S) is playing our female lead the choreography by Sammo Huang!!!
Let us anticipate!
Sorry about this mei mei...but....for those who have an ipod touch, you can download this
Its the game of my kingdom!
~xiao lin~
Han Geng and Wu Chun onscreen as brothers while our beloved Barbie Hsu (Da S) is playing our female lead the choreography by Sammo Huang!!!
Let us anticipate!
Sorry about this mei mei...but....for those who have an ipod touch, you can download this
Its the game of my kingdom!
~xiao lin~
Monday, September 5, 2011
Jiro's birthday..weibo post too hot
Jiro Wang posted on weibo expressing his new embrace on MANly hood I may say again...
look for yourself...the grown up DA DONG
look for yourself...the grown up DA DONG
Friday, September 2, 2011
[Interview] Aaron Yan : Trend Is That People Do Not Like The Same Thing
Five years time was enough to soar Fahrenheit's four boys grow into men. Five years time enough for them to understand what they have to do their own in the end. Always claimed that they may go solo but will not dissolve, but now Aaron is no longer bound by the old rule of combination , and cut off the lovely hair, put on a stylish full shape, even a small make up for his smoky look, again surged to the singer's identity with his own solo album, "The Next Aaron" 《下一个炎亚纶》 in everyone's sight.
"I still do not speak much", "finally have the opportunity to make people listen to me sing," and " 6 songs with six kinds of style, are in my heart to sing." Almost every interview he said these few sentences, then become a butterfly behind which always have a pain. He used his voice to talk with the people, "I am waiting for the next me, to challenge the me now."
A : Aaron
Y : Recently, you filmed the last MV , is there any new plans ? Or , Is the album will have a new MV ?
A : The recent focus is on the new album, "The Next Aaron" propaganda, the company has plans to shoot new film and is in the talks, very soon will have a newwork presented to you .
Y : I heard that you have a variety of musical instruments, are they all for your own interest of learning?
A : This is basically because I'm very fond of music, hoping to have my very own creation, so I'm learning all these instruments.
Y: How do you usually prefer the style of dress?
A: I usually have the same for out and home, but more relaxed comfortable.
Y: I heard you like to eat a variety of snacks, you do more exercise to consume it?
A: Haha, you even know this fact better, exercise is a must to do, I think the most important thing to keep fit is to press on (keep going).
Y: For the future what is in your plan?
A: The future will certainly still be more development in the music, of course,drama, hosting and other areas will be also involved.
Y: What feature of you, do you think your fans gets attracted to you?
A: Haha, I said to myself this is strange, but I think it may be because I was lucky ,of course, also like to thank so much support for my fans.
Y : In the Future, will more mainland development (work)?
A : Ah Sure, I like mainland , especially to eat, haha, I hope to have more opportunities for work in there.
Y : Talk about your views on pop culture ?
A : I think the trend is people don't like the same thing, each person's understanding is different, it is difficult to define a standard, so you have to find your own feeling about what is the current way of life.
~Xiao Lin~
Source : Uni.sina.com
Wu Zun Misunderstood "My Kingdom" As A Warrior Script

Recently, Wu Zun said in an interview with DaBao, that play in the "My Kingdom" was interesting,he said that he played the role but at the beginning he mistakenly believed that "My Kingdom" is kind of depicts the effort of "Strong Warriors" on Battlefield. He then slowly learned about the Opera. In "My Kingdom" Wu Zun has acted from their clothing,from make-up to the words and deeds have lamented the high standards and admits that he played great in the process of "My Kingdom" and is very enjoyable.
"Kingdom" Mistaken As "Holy Warriors"
Wu Zun said that he grew up in Brunei, so he did not know what the opera is actually . So in the film "My Kingdom" before, Chun had thought that the "My Kingdom" refers to the kind of fighters on the battlefield, very strong self-righteous people who refer to martial arts. He was still thinking again how to play such a "holy warriors", with perfection. When picked up this movie, I got the real opportunity to learn. I realize I misunderstood the original meaning Takefu. In the crew a lot of professional opera born actor who, Wu Zun often referred for their opinion, in practice, they also have been observing them, Wu Zun and said he often surf the Internet to check some information, then repeated to see some of the prior opera-related film, from which he got to understand the opera. Then the audience was fortunate to see My Kingdom originally thought was "Holy Warriors", Wu Zun, transformed into a real Takefu (warrior).
Oily Head, Heavy Makeup

Wu Zun thinks that script in "My Kindom" and Warriors are alike, to do everything as Takefu(warriors) see themselves pushed to the most tight, most extreme, and trying to do everything well. For the Opera, Wu Zun had to maintain his oil hairs, heavy makeup. Peking Opera makeup takes a long time, every detail has to be taken care of, if not careful then, on the big screen it is easy to find flaws.
Wu Zun said that the opera makeup each time took nearly an hour or two, he rarely had an opportunity to have this kind of make up, so this film was particularly fun, you can try different things, so often self-timer. But also "can not afford to get hurt" because of the makeup is not easy, can not move, can only use a straw to drink water. Cleansing is even more difficult, Wu Zun still remember the first time that the makeup did not get off entirely, cannot afford to go back with that face.

Wu Zun said that the opera makeup each time took nearly an hour or two, he rarely had an opportunity to have this kind of make up, so this film was particularly fun, you can try different things, so often self-timer. But also "can not afford to get hurt" because of the makeup is not easy, can not move, can only use a straw to drink water. Cleansing is even more difficult, Wu Zun still remember the first time that the makeup did not get off entirely, cannot afford to go back with that face.

Not only the heavy make-up was on the requirements but also many of the martial arts and Wu Zun did not come in contact of any of them before, there are many with a combination of opera, like using Huaqiang. Wu Zun has learned sword play before, but not the Huaqiang (as for double knife sword) and as Huaqiang, such weapons is not easy to start with, then after getting familiar with it "Very Satisfied."
~Xiao Lin~
Sources: fahrenheitai blogspot
~Xiao Lin~
Sources: fahrenheitai blogspot
Jiro Shocks In "The House" Transformation
From Boys To Men:
Big Shock as the Big East for the first time on the big screen work, "The House" ,about her fiance brought home, after the actress comes to the house ,dark, horror stories and strange events follows. The film directed by the Golden Horse Best Cinematography Pan Hengsheng. Jiro Wang and Tong Liya played many male and female leads, will be released on September 23.
In this blend of love, suspense, thriller complex story, Jiro played the fiance is a handsome,bearded, slovenly man, but on television screen he was a complete different person before. "And before the play is very different," Big East said in an interview, "To play Debu in movies, showing and focusing more on life, for which I need to adjust myself for changes."
As for the transformation of Jiro, "The House" allows us to see his future more possibilities. Big East, said in an interview, he was very like to try costume drama performances, like played the role of generals and etc .
If you own to a certain level of attainment, but then you also want to try more complex role.
When asked about how the future will be, the big laughs and tells friends, "Standing on stage was my Dream, and the performances till now gives me quite a sense of accomplishment, I think that my next profession is as an Actor, I want to work continuously to learn , and to experience a different life.
Life Outside The Performing Arts:
Singing, dancing, acting, Jiro is a true "multi-dwelling artists," and there is even a hobby let him forget about the sleepless nights and even to go to the bathroom - that is "Painting". What Jiro loves to draw is "Realism", he graduated from the School of Fine Arts specializes in all types of painting. Like Van Gogh, painting was in place and then go out charity work.
In order to search for the past buried deep in her heart, "Painting The Soul", he went to Netherlands, the heart of most famous artist Van Gogh, restructuring their feelings, with pictures and brush, the search for self-travel trip, and finally brought together into a similar confession of the book "Van Gogh and I", which has also been highly acclaimed all over.
Currently, Big East has just reached age of 30 years old, the film's propaganda is very important, and his new career has been steadily developing. In the interview, the Reporter said take a look at news on the Big East Network, he is currently designing their own clothing, In Shanghai in October this year, he will be opening his first flagship store brand M-JO, I hope you are able to enjoy your lives, the world is full of love .
Thank You Mother:
Jiro's acting career was not always so smooth, as it is going now, he is most grateful to his mother. "Everyone says that behind a man's success there is a woman, and I think this woman is my mother." Reveals a strong Big East's eyes, "When Father left us, I and my Mother were alone. Then there was a feeling that we can not do anything, I felt sad for my mother. "
Big East said that from age of 16, he took no money from his home. Not only to support themselves but also to manage his fathers medical expenses, he hid his child feeling, he keep telling himself "must be strong", and this belief has come to support him today.
"I have thought to see the premiere with my mother, but there may be too many fans and reporters, my Mother may not be used to it." When asked whether the presenters will bring their mother to see their movie, Big East simply smiled.
Source: Ifensi.com
Big Shock as the Big East for the first time on the big screen work, "The House" ,about her fiance brought home, after the actress comes to the house ,dark, horror stories and strange events follows. The film directed by the Golden Horse Best Cinematography Pan Hengsheng. Jiro Wang and Tong Liya played many male and female leads, will be released on September 23.
In this blend of love, suspense, thriller complex story, Jiro played the fiance is a handsome,bearded, slovenly man, but on television screen he was a complete different person before. "And before the play is very different," Big East said in an interview, "To play Debu in movies, showing and focusing more on life, for which I need to adjust myself for changes."
As for the transformation of Jiro, "The House" allows us to see his future more possibilities. Big East, said in an interview, he was very like to try costume drama performances, like played the role of generals and etc .
If you own to a certain level of attainment, but then you also want to try more complex role.
When asked about how the future will be, the big laughs and tells friends, "Standing on stage was my Dream, and the performances till now gives me quite a sense of accomplishment, I think that my next profession is as an Actor, I want to work continuously to learn , and to experience a different life.
Life Outside The Performing Arts:
Singing, dancing, acting, Jiro is a true "multi-dwelling artists," and there is even a hobby let him forget about the sleepless nights and even to go to the bathroom - that is "Painting". What Jiro loves to draw is "Realism", he graduated from the School of Fine Arts specializes in all types of painting. Like Van Gogh, painting was in place and then go out charity work.
In order to search for the past buried deep in her heart, "Painting The Soul", he went to Netherlands, the heart of most famous artist Van Gogh, restructuring their feelings, with pictures and brush, the search for self-travel trip, and finally brought together into a similar confession of the book "Van Gogh and I", which has also been highly acclaimed all over.
Currently, Big East has just reached age of 30 years old, the film's propaganda is very important, and his new career has been steadily developing. In the interview, the Reporter said take a look at news on the Big East Network, he is currently designing their own clothing, In Shanghai in October this year, he will be opening his first flagship store brand M-JO, I hope you are able to enjoy your lives, the world is full of love .
Thank You Mother:
Jiro's acting career was not always so smooth, as it is going now, he is most grateful to his mother. "Everyone says that behind a man's success there is a woman, and I think this woman is my mother." Reveals a strong Big East's eyes, "When Father left us, I and my Mother were alone. Then there was a feeling that we can not do anything, I felt sad for my mother. "
Big East said that from age of 16, he took no money from his home. Not only to support themselves but also to manage his fathers medical expenses, he hid his child feeling, he keep telling himself "must be strong", and this belief has come to support him today.
"I have thought to see the premiere with my mother, but there may be too many fans and reporters, my Mother may not be used to it." When asked whether the presenters will bring their mother to see their movie, Big East simply smiled.
~Xiao Lin~
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