Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jiro Wang's new movie takes place in France!

That's right let's take it international because it's no fun just staying here in Asia! JK i love asia! but still we can push up the limits some and bring together some great actors or..silly ones...I'm talking about Jiro Wang ; Chen Han Dian (Kan Xi Lai Le); and Ban Jie!  If you know these 3 then you know your asking for a whole bunch of goof balls, they are all very funny characters though Jiro and Ban Jie don't appear like it they are!

but let's get ready because it's all shaggy hair and mustache from here

The movie is called " My Beautiful Kingdom!" and stars Jiro 汪東城 as the male lead so far the story line hasn't been leaked but once it has been I will do my best to update it to everyone!

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