Monday, May 14, 2012

Calvin Go Happy! spills secrets Arron in Japan

Fahrenheit is modeling for Go Happy Eastern Camel and then Calvin posted Go Happy on weibo with a picture of Fahrenheit! We later concluded he as late to the AppleDaily station because he went out to eat with them so since one member took longer they were late. He didn't hold back though when it came to spilling out everyone's bedroom secrets!
Jiro: his room is like a marketplace full of loud music
Chun: his habit of taking a clip to hook on the mirror for his hat so he can grab it rite after showering and wear it
Arron: he likes to keep doors open so once I shared a room with him and it was really late but I needed to talk to him it was really dark but I walked in turned to the bathroom and see a nude Arron Yan standing there! ( lol I laughed so hard)
Calvin also fairly put in my bad habit is that I like taking of my shoes in the middle of the door way!

Video of Arron in Japan bedroom

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