Thursday, April 24, 2014

Aaron Yan has started recording for new album

After Calvin&Jiro updating bits and pieces of their starting up on recording, Aaron after releasing two songs for the drama "Fall in Love with Me" is back in the recordings studio. 

He posted on IG; a photo of him and his mic with headphones ready.
All smiles here, and now we wait to anticipate another great album!

So far we only know of him and A Qin of F.I.R working together again but sure enough I'm sure many other great directors have come together again too!



  1. yes~~~ 3/4 solo albums. wish chun would make one too!

    1. Not yet heard from any resources if wu chun intends on releasing a solo album, from the likes of it though majority of his interest was never in music but rather more in acting. So for now it is unsure if he will keep pursuing music yet.
